The anti-pollution services of Innovation Sea are carried out thanks to an innovative solution (demand for Patent No. 772023000022995 presented on 02/10/2023) which sees the interaction of aerial and underwater environmental monitoring, with drones and ROVs, and the intervention of special smaller vessels - to intervene perfectly in ports, along the coasts or in rivers - or offshore. It is an innovative system for cleaning waters to pass them through X-rays, reading them both from above and below and guiding the vessel on site.
It doesn't end here, because at Innovation Sea you can also take advantage of the very important collaboration of the fishing world in these interventions!
In fact, collaboration between fishermen and technological innovation becomes essential to combat the problem of marine waste.
The best example of this is the EMeRIM Project in Termoli, which saw ecoboats and deep-sea anti-pollution boats operating together with fishing vessels, under the supervision of drones and ROVs.
During the project phases, schools also intervened for awareness-raising and research activities.
Furthermore, for the first time in Italy, a new technique called “flying fishing” has been tested in which an anti-pollution boat collaborates directly with a fishing vessel to clean the sea!
In just over a month, just by the Mb Dolphin, an eco-boat from Innovation Sea, well over half of the waste collected by 3 fishing boats together was collected.
Demonstrating the specialization of the Innovation Sea system.
Collaboration between an anti-pollution boat and a fishing vessel for the collection of waste at sea.
Innovation Sea Srl
VAT: 01881370702
Registered office: Port of Termoli North East Pier
ZIP CODE: 86039
City: Termoli (CB)
REA code: CB213164